
OUr sHopPIng+eNterTaInmEnT fOrUm>>

GReaT dEaLs,fUN aND eXciTemENt hERe!!! JOiN tHIs fOruM nOW!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

mOi sIs eXamInaTIon weeK wOr!~~ iNtEnse sIa!!

aIYaYa...mOi jIe jIe exaM todaY...!! thOu onLy 2 sUb sUB...,bUt vEri draGGie de...! 1 sUb per weeK...bOliao...sOUnds mOre sUfferinG riTe?..keke...i raTher haD 2 sUb aT 1 gO!!~ cHinese saYinG.."zHI jIe liao daNg!!~" hahaHa....

bUt caUse sHe taKing psYchology..sO verY maFan leh...tOO maNI faCTs aNd braIN sqUeezIng sTuff to Memorize anD apPLy to her exaMs qUestions...4 essaY to wrIte wOr!! buT i think They aRE oNi giVen 3Hrs or less tO compleTe Them...sO "cHam" aH!!~~ haIZ....

bUt 2 weeKs pass Very fast lOng as she caN overcoMe aLL the hardshIps aT the beginning.., sHe can enJoy all sHe wants aFtermath...hehe..

i wIll praY for her aT home...hope she caN do weLL..! thOU i know sHe very sTeaDY bOm bIbI de!! sUre to gET aWsOme resUlt!!~~ wEEe.............GaNbaTTe nE!!!!~~~

Saturday, November 10, 2007

sinGle...yET sTilllll..siNgle.............

sO lOng neVEr bLog le...mIss mI?...keke....haiz....wHen wIll mOi Bai ma WanG zHI cHu xian??......waIt aND waIT............thOu i enJoy MOi life beinG sIngle..but sTill preFer a life being pampered BOi sOmeone.....keke.......haiz..dUn waN to say Le....sHUn qi zHI ran baH...sO borINg recenTly...thOU juz wenT out wIth a GrouP of gUys....bleaH...but still feel KOng xU sIa....wHY hUH?...jUz haV a Lack Of The "sOmeTHinG"?....dUn Get mOiseLf eIther......

woRkiNg lIfe thoU is TUFf...bUT stIll better deN rOttiNG At HOME DoiNg NOthiNG....aLL oF mOI freNds HU saw MOi bLog..pLs asK mI oUt mOre oFten k?haha....erm...bUT mUz aT tHe rIte TImminG la...waHaha....oKie.Thatz aLL fOr tOday..

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

iSsIt tHat haRd??....

aDd mI aT fRieNDsTer.......haV a sUddeN feeL of waNtiNg to kNoe More pPl,frienDs......haha.....................neEd sOme caRE anD cOncerN......aLl i neeD is sOmeone hu is truely caring for mi.....thats all i ask for...issiT thaT diFficuLt????........bUT i will make sUre mOi heart is sTaying sTrOng and i'm able to sTand taLL.......hahaha....

Friday, September 7, 2007

ON mOi bIrTHdAE!!!!~~~ yEaH.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

NaTurE iS bEaUtI!!~~kEke.....
UgLy sO hIde!!~
MoI FAtZ................... i saId i wIll uPloaD mOre pIc de......keKe....tAtz aLl for tOdaE..JaNai bYe...oyasUmi nasAi...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So LOnG nEvEr bLoG lIaO...sO jUz 1 ShOTtTt...........uPlOaD sO maNI pIcs(aSsorTeD)waHaHahHa...................nOt fInisHed lOr......mOre tO cUM!!!~~~~~ CheOng sHaM tOp "dOnaTed" bY mOI bUdDy..KaRohUeI!!~~ waHaha....becUm sHorTiE mInIs sKirTY!!!~~~ sExY nOt??...waHahha...kNs mI!!
HomE maDE hOnEy lEmON dRiNK FoR mOI tHrOuT!!!~~~~ nIcE~~!
havInG nIcEsT pRoMferT fIsh sTeaMbOaT aT wHamPoa DrIvE mArkET.....mOI gOr oPp mI!!~~
MOi 1St duRkiE tOuR expERienCE!!~~i'M bOaRd oNtO THis wHitE ducKiE laTER!!~~ sO excItED!!!~~~
" rOuNd aND rOunD tHe gaRdEN...laIke a tEddY bEar..1 sTep,..2 sTep.....tIcKelIe uNdER thErE~......."sOUnDs faMIliar???kekE....nuRsERy rYm.........leaRnT frOm mOi preVioUs jOb..!!~
OkiE....thEres sTiLl moRe pIcs tO cUM......sTaY lOgGeD tO moI bLog fOr mOre oF mOI vaIn aNd aCt aCT pIcTuREs...waHhaHaha........kNs mI!!~janeI bYe bYe.....mUcKs!!!~

Saturday, August 18, 2007

mOi daE wIf giLkO aT vIvOcItY!!~

iT's beeN dEcaTEs....anD finalLy gOt tO sPend sOme TimE sHOppING wiF giLko!!..haHa.....sO lOng nEbE gO oUt walK waLK le... aT lEast tO geT sOme fresH aIr....!! keke.....Ya...oUr 1St sTop..tO TOPSHOP..coz oF tHe sAlEs..Ya bUt dIdn'T caUghT aNY bIg fIsh thIs tIme rOunD..sIGh!~ BUTA....gUesS Hu WE SAw..HAHA..KaROlyN anD zHIyiNG...we StaY in tOpsHop fOr lIke ....ermm...15-30mIns cHattIng....!! we sUddnLy becOm tHe ceNtre oF aTTracTioNs oF thE saLes pErsOns thERe..haha...tHaNK gOd thEy nEbe chaSE us oUT!! haha....

ya..tHEy haV a chaLet tO aTTenD sO oFf thEY weNt oFF.. wHIle mI and giko conTinuE oUr sHopping...gIlko didn't realLY sHOP..she neeD tO sAve Money$ foR hER dRivInG lEssOns...anD tO gET a nEw diGi caM..eve sIncE shE losT iT 2 moNths aGO...sAd...

i'm tHE 1 doIng most oF tHe shOppINg..keKe...tryInG to lOOk oUt foR a paIr oF hEEls anD dRess for mOi woRk...cHarLes anD kEiTh is oN sales ..iT waS lIke daMe cRowdeD lor....bUT managE tO gET the salesgUY to help mi gET "6 paiRs oF heels" fOR trYinG...haha...oR else i dUn thInk hE wiLL bE freE laTEr tO heLp mI gET mOre pairs coZ it's rEallY rEallY fLoodEd iN thE shoP...u sHLd rEally sEe thE hOw "mEssY" anD "paCkEd" thE shOP wErE in!!! hhaHa...cOmpleTe dIsaStER!!oKie...fInallY..gOt mOI 1 anD oNI paIR...acTuallY wan tHouGHT of gEttINg anOther tOo..bUTa...sHaLl saVE iT tiLL nExT tIme wheN i gOt mOI paY....kEkE...

deN nOw...we hEad tOwaRd aNotHer sHOp...manage to gEt a dress aT oNi 29 bUcks!! haha...

iTs ard 7 plus now sO 2 Of us tHouGHt of geTtiNg sOme bItes frOm the basEment flOor....we trieD tHe kOrean snacks...not that baD bUt the PotaTo-saUsaGE sTick waS lIke so .....bLeaH...nOthing special lor..smmore they recommended it!! but the beeF sTick was nIce...nOw is For desSert!!! keKe...aT tHe GElaTO coUnter tOp, saW ThOse YUMMILicious Ice-crEam..... tEmpT us tO buY 1 sCoOp!! Their TirAmIsU fLavOur iS oN saLE!! $2.80 per scOop..... sO we eacH got 1 scOop...sLurp SLurp..!!!!

iT waS nIce bUt tHe fIngeR bIscOtti waS reaLLy oVer sweeTeN!!! sO pOiNts deduCtEd herE!! bUt oVeraLl...iT waS gOod....a gReat dessErt tO enD mOi daE!!